Year 4/Blwyddyn Pedwar

  Class teachers/athrawon: Mrs. Evans and Mr. Rees


          Our Week/Ein Wythnos:

*Please bring reading books everyday*

Monday/Dydd Llun Indoor PE

Spelling lists sent out (every other week)

Tuesday/Dydd Mawrth
Wednesday/Dydd Mercher Outdoor PE
Thursday/Dydd Iau
Friday/Dydd Gwener Spelling test (every other week)

Useful information/ Gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol:

  • Reading – All pupils are expected to read for 5-10 minutes each night at home. Please write any comments in your child’s Reading Record.
  • Spelling – Children are provided with differentiated spelling lists involving spelling patterns and some additional spellings they have identified as misspellings in their own work. At the start of a new topic spelling lists will contain words associated with that topic.
  • PE – Please note a change of clothes is not required for PE lessons.
  • Water bottles – Pupils are encouraged to bring water bottles to school, especially in warmer weather.

Our Year 4 Topics/Bynciau Blwyddyn Pedwar

Autumn Term/Hydref Project Noah’s Ark
Spring Term/Gwanwyn Chop and Change
Summer Term/Haf Rooftoppers 
