Film Club/Clwb Ffilm

Film Club

Film Club is for children in Years 4-6 and meets every Monday after school until 4pm in the Learning Lounge. It is run by Mrs Parry, with the support of our film club members.

We look through the Into Film catalogue, discuss what’s available and then vote on the films we’d like to watch. Then we dim the lights, sit back and relax, taking everything in on the big screen. Afterward, we discuss what we think about the film and some of us post reviews online. In the past, we have watched a series of animated short films, the BFG and the Dark Crystal to name a few.

Film Club also got involved in the Into Film’s free film festival before. We chose the film we wanted to see, ‘Ballerina’, and absolutely loved it! It surprised us all. We also organised a cinema trip in December for Year 1-5. We watched a range of film trailers, thought about the age range of the children viewing, considered how suitable it would be for all of the audience and finally decided upon ‘Paddington 2’ as our must-see film. We had a fantastic time at the Reel Cinema with children and staff alike enjoying our choice of film.

We have also travelled to Bad Wolf Studios in Cardiff for the day for a day out arranged by Screen Alliance Wales. We worked with lecturers from USW for a Green Screen workshop. Then we toured the art, graphics, visual effects and costume departments before going on a hush, hush tour of the set for their latest production for the BBC – Philip Pullman’s ‘His Dark Materials’ series. It was an amazing day out.

To find out more about Film Club @ CRC contact Mrs Parry or go online to The link will direct you to information, our club and where you can review films online. Remember to check with parents for permission and don’t click on any further links and don’t forget to be SMART when surfing the net! (‘Article 19 of the UNCRC – You have the right to be kept safe’)