
Class teachers/Athrawon: Mrs Casker and  Miss Horgan

Please click here for the Reception Welcome Pack for Parents and Children…

Welcome to Reception!

Our Week:

*Please see class teacher to know when to bring in your child’s reading book*

Ein Wythnos/ Our Week 
Monday/ Dydd Llun Muddy Mondays –  please see ParentMail each week Bike lessons for Miss Horgan’s class. Please wear trainers to school.
Tuesday/ Dydd Mawrth Indoor PE
Wednesday/ Dydd Mercher
Thursday/ Dydd Iau Bike lessons for Mrs Casker’s class. Please wear trainers to school.
Friday/ Dydd Gwener Outdoor games – Both classes. Please wear joggers and trainers to school.

Our Reception Topics 2024-2025 are:

Autumn Term 1  – It’s Party Time

Autumn Term 2   – Down To The Farm

Spring Term 1    – Sensory Detectives

Spring Term 2    – Tying The Knot

Summer Term 1   – Shiver Me Timbers!

Summer Term 2 – Roar and Explore!


We look forward to working with you and your children over the forthcoming year!

Many thanks,

Mrs. Casker & Miss Horgan.