Year 2/Blwyddyn Dau

Class teachers/Athrawon:  Miss Boyce, Mrs Evans-Wright and Mr Graham 

Our Week/ Ein Wythnos:

Monday / Dydd Llun
Tuesday / Dydd Mawrth Indoor PE – wear jogging bottoms and trainers to school
Wednesday / Dydd Mercher
Thursday / Dydd Iau Outdoor Games – wear jogging bottoms and trainers to school

Reading and spelling books to be brought in

Friday / Dydd Gwener Reading books and spelling books sent home

Our Year 2 Topics/Themau Blwyddyn Dau:

 Autumn Term/Hydref Super Me

Human body systems

 Spring Term/Granwyn Time Machine

 Summer Term/Haf Into the Wild!

Animal Tiger HD Wallpapers - Wallpaper Cave

India! India!

Image result for India PNG

Useful information/ Gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol:

Reading in Year 2                       

All reading books should be returned to school every Thursday, along with your child’s reading record.  Please could you sign your child’s reading record to let us know that they have read their books? A comment on how they are reading at home would also be helpful for us. Your child will be listened to in school individually on a weekly basis, as well as daily in a group reading session. Guided reading takes place every morning and your child will be reading and taking part in discussions in a small group four times a week.  During these sessions they will also be playing literacy games, practising weekly spelling words and working on their individual work targets.


Spelling in Year 2

Differentiated spelling lists are provided weekly for the children to learn. They are introduced, explained and practised on a Thursday and then tested the following week. We recommend that children practise these spellings for 5-10 minutes each day to ensure they are familiar with them.

Maths –  support and challenge

Children have access to interactive maths activities via the Sumdog, TT Rockstars and Hwb websites. Log in and password details for these resources are located on the front inside cover of your child’s reading record.