Year 5/Blwyddyn Pump

Class teachers/athrawon:  Mrs. Wootton, Mrs Hollis and Mrs Frudd

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Gibbins, Mrs Yeomans, Mrs Ross and Mrs Saltmarsh

y5_mediumOur Week/Ein Wythnos:

*Please see your child’s Reading Record for individual reading days*

Daily readers will have their books kept in school Monday – Friday unless requested to be sent home.

Monday                      Dydd Llun Y5W – Outdoor PE (joggers and trainers)
Tuesday                      Dydd Mawrth
Wednesday               Dydd Mercher Indoor PE Kit (shorts/leggings and t-shirt).

Spelling test (fortnightly)

Thursday                   Dydd Iau
Friday                         Dydd Gwener Y5H/F – Outdoor PE (joggers and trainers)

*Project work maybe given during the year to support the children’s learning.

*Children are expected to complete at least 30 minutes of Sumdog each week.

Useful information/ Gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol:


  • Reading – All children are heard reading at least twice a week as part of our daily-guided reading sessions. In addition to this, some children are daily readers and will need to bring their book in every day. Every child has been allocated a day to bring in their reading books, to enable us to check their reading book and comments. However please feel free to return books when your child has completed them. Please ask your class teacher if you are unsure of your child’s reading day. All pupils are expected to read to an adult at home throughout the week and independently as often as possible. Please write any comments in your child’s Reading Record.
  • Spelling – Children are provided with differentiated spelling lists involving spelling patterns and some additional spellings they have identified as misspellings in their own work. At times, common misspellings and topic words maybe given.
  • PE – Please note a change of clothes is required for PE lessons; t-shirts and shorts should be worn for indoor sessions, whilst t-shirts, joggers/shorts and trainers are required for outdoor sessions.
  • Water bottles – Pupils are encouraged to bring water bottles to school, especially in warmer weather. Please note that they should only contain water and not squash, pop or sparkling flavoured water.
  • Snack – Please ensure your child brings a healthy snack (fruit/vegetables) to school every day.
  • Walking Home – Please provide written consent if you wish for your child to walk home on their own.

Our Year 5 Topics/Themau Blwyddyn Pump

Autumn Term/Hydref War, Peace and Justice  – learning about World Wars as part of our History focus.
Spring Term/Gwanwyn Amazing Africa – Affrica Anhygoel
Animal habitats and a study of Africa as part of our Geography focus.
Summer Term/Haf  This Is Me!
Human Body – Exercise, fitness and health as part of our Science/Health and Well-Being focus and our Primary Partners performance.

Year 5 trips/Teithiau Blwyddyn Pump

Autumn Term/Hydref Bombs, Blackout and the Blitz/ Bomiau, Blacowt a Blits:  WW2 Evacuation Day
Spring Term/Gwanwyn Amazing Africa/Affrica Anhygoel:
West Midlands Safari Park
Summer Term/Haf Human Body: Residential
